We are beyond thrilled to announce two more panellists for our upcoming PPIE event for the research community – Bringing People’s Experience to Life.
Jess Drinkwater, a GP and clinical lecturer at the University of Manchester, and Annie Keane PhD and Manager at Vocal (Manchester University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) will now join our Round Table discussion.
The event takes place at the Guide Bridge Theatre on November 4, and showcases new and innovative ways of working in public involvement and engagement for researchers and social care professionals. It brings together interactive participatory live arts performance, audio experience, an art installation as well as a discussion around the future of participatory arts for innovative PPIE.
The Round Table event will be chaired by Dr Paul Clarkson, a specialist social care researcher and deputy director of Social Care and Society, University of Manchester, which is the partner organisation for the event.
Already confirmed to join us for the Round Table discussion are:
- Julie Farley, head of Oldham Safeguarding Adults Board
- Rob Conyers, head of patient experience, Tameside Hospital
- Dr Hazel Morbey, Research Fellow at Lancaster University
Dr Paul Clarkson said: “This is such an amazing opportunity to bring together this highly experienced group in both social care research and participatory arts – and examine the way the two can work together to create even more innovative and interactive patient and public involvement and engagement for the future.”

Jess Drinkwater (pictured left) is a GP in Bradford and a clinical lecturer at the University of Manchester. She has been doing participatory research with patients, general practice staff, and other researchers to explore how patients can have more influence in the way general practice services are designed and run. Using the research findings, they developed an online forum theatre workshop which provokes audience members to reflect on their own experiences of participation, power, and relationships, and develop and test practical solutions.
Annie Keane (pictured right) leads on creative public engagement and involvement work at Vocal, including projects such as Breathtaking Lungs, Radiotherapy & Me, Hearing Health Now, and Planet DIVOC-91. She also brings with her the experience of leading the European City of Science in Manchester in 2016.
The Bringing People’s Experience to Life event will also showcase an interactive performance of the new Hidden podcast series by the Johnny Barlow Theatre Company, plus a fascinating case study from Oldham Adult Safeguarding, as well as much more.
You can read more about the event in full from this previous blog post: