‘Rats In The Sofa’ is an original piece of forum theatre that aims to raise awareness of safeguarding issues that affect vulnerable people.
Commissioned by Oldham Safeguarding Team, ‘Rats In The Sofa’ is an original piece of forum theatre that aims to raise awareness of safeguarding issues that affect vulnerable people. Devised and performed in collaboration with The Johnny Barlow Theatre Company, the piece uses music, song, movement and drama to bring to life real case studies and invite you, the audience to take a walk in their shoes.
The work’s ultimate aim is to move communities and services from a system of early prevention rather than crisis interventions – helping people live safer and happier lives.
The opening song “Have you ever walked in these shoes?”, immediately blurs the distinction between audience member and on-stage participant, providing the platform to unlock meaningful and unifying conversations. Subsequently 3 actual case studies are presented, leaving room for further conversation and audience participation after each one.
‘‘It unlocked the humanity and empathy in the professionals who we were with….it felt like vital work, giving voice and platform to an empowered group of participants who displayed varying levels of vulnerability and capability’’ – Gilly Bakersfield, Artistic Director, M6 Theatre Company
‘Rats In The Sofa’ has been performed throughout Greater Manchester in theatres, community venues, sheltered housing units and at various adult safeguarding conferences, mixing audiences including health and social care workers, commissioners and the general public.
Show Trailer:
How We Made It
‘Very well presented and enabled current safeguarding issues to be addressed in a person-centred way’
‘The performance challenged and inspired and really made you think what support is out there for people’
To find out more about The Johnny Barlow Theatre Company and what they’re working on at the moment, please click here